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We just added the map “Share” function to our new version of SpiderScribe (v2). Now you can share your maps with others, or even make the maps public.

Share Maps

Also, copy/paste is now supported — you can easily duplicate stencils with CTRL+C/CTRL+V. Use CTRL+drag for area-select and CTRL+click to add to selection.

Next feature to be released will be map export.

Editing Mode now available!

We just added the editing capabilities to SpiderScribe v2 (beta).

Now you can create new maps, edit your stencils and connections (undo/redo is also supported), upload images and files, etc. And you do not need Flash for that anymore!

v2 is still in beta and we will be adding the rest of the features and the new ones shortly. Stay tuned!

We have been working on a new version of SpiderScribe (that does not use Flash) for some time now. Today we just released its beta version. It is limited to the read-only mode, so you will be able to navigate and use your maps, but not edit them — that will come next.

When you open SpiderScribe, you will see a button to switch to this new version at the bottom of the screen. You can switch between the legacy SpiderScribe (for those of you who can still run it) and the new non-Flash versions at any time.

There is also a direct link to the non-Flash version:

For Business and EDU accounts, with custom domains:

We are working now on adding the editing capabilities to the new version and we also plan to add many new features to it.

You can email your questions and feedback to support [at] spiderscribe.net.

Access maps without Flash

For clients that need to access SpiderScribe maps, without Flash, here is the link to open them as image files:

For Business and EDU accounts, just add “/app/noflash.php” to your URL.

Adobe blocks Flash access

Today Adobe stopped Flash player from working in any browser.

You will be able to run Flash only if you did not update your browser lately.

We are researching ways for our users to run Flash, to be able to access their SpiderScribe maps.

At the same time, we are developing a non-Flash version of SpiderScribe. We hope to have an alpha version, stripped down to the main features, in the near future.

This month, we are updating our Privacy Policy to make it easier for you to understand what information we collect about you and why we collect it.
Nothing is changing to how your information is processed. We reviewed our data collecting and protecting procedures and improved the way we describe our practices and how we explain the options you have to update, manage, export, and delete your data.

These updates are related to the new data protection regulations coming into effect in the European Union.

Please read the updated Privacy Policy and Terms of Service in full. By using our services on or after May 24, 2018, you will be agreeing to the revisions.

Tutorful just included SpiderScribe in their updated for 2018 list of The 90 Hottest EdTech Tools According to Education Experts. You can check the full list here.

New Feature: Folders!

Is your map collection getting out of control? We have a solution for you — now you can organize maps into folders!


Latest features include:

  • create folders and sub-folders
  • drag-and-drop maps and folders to organize them
  • Copy/Cut/Paste maps  (CTRL+C/+X/+V keyboard shortcuts  also supported)
  • Multi-select maps and mass delete/duplicate maps and folders (CTRL/SHIFT+select shortcuts are also supported)

We hope you will like the new features!


Improved print function

We updated the printing functionality for maps to allow a better control. It also fixed the printing issues in Chrome.

AASL Best App 2015

“CHICAGO – The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) announced its 2015 list of Best Apps for Teaching & Learning at the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in San Francisco. The list of 25 apps provides technology resources for school librarians and their teacher collaborators. Now in its third year, the list is considered the “best of the best” by AASL.”

We are proud that SpiderScribe Jr. iPad app made it into the list, under the category Organization & Management.