We just extended the zoom range all the way down to 15% – it will make it easier to navigate very large maps.

Halloween is here! Carve your virtual pumpkin with no mess and send it to your friends and family! [ click here ]
5pm project management app (www.5pmweb.com) used SpiderScribe to visualize its 5pm Road Map (features in development).
Benefits of such approach:
- Visual representation of information and the connection between related features
- Easily embedded directly into your website – just cut and paste the HTML code
- Always up to date and displays the latest version – no need to re-post it (like with static images)
- Can be easily navigated and moved around
- and it just looks nice, without much effort…
Do you have an app, a service, a product you are developing? Did you consider posting its road map or the list of existing features as an interactive SpiderScribe map? You may want to give it a try!
At the American Library Association’s (ALA) 2012 Annual Conference in Anaheim, Calif., the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) announced the 2012 Top 25 Websites for Teaching and Learning. In its fourth year, the list of websites honors the top 25 Internet sites for enhancing learning and curriculum development for school librarians and their teacher collaborators. The list is considered the “best of the best” by AASL.
We are proud that SpiderScribe was included this year in the list.

Small Business Special Report in the Wall Street Journal from May 21st features SpiderScribe as one the useful online tools for working together [ check the online edition ].
We are glad to announce that SpiderScribe.net won silver in Education and Training Websites category at the 10th Aniversary Competition by Horizon Interactive Awards.
Now you can add new child stencils using TAB or INSERT (when you have a parent stencil selected).
For more shortcuts, check: https://blog.spiderscribe.net/2012/02/february-release-paste-text-directly-into-the-map-auto-snap-keyboard-shortcuts-and-more/
When you are editing overlapping stencils, SpiderScribe will now remember their last depth-orders (the latest added stencils were always on top before). To change a stencil’s z-order simply click on it – it will bring it to the top. If you are in a view only mode, it will still bring selected stencils to the front, but will not save their new depth position.